How to Clean Up Cough Syrup Stains on the Carpet

Coughing is not a sickness that you ever want to experience. This is because you won’t feel well and at the same time it can be really uncomfortable and annoying. Nobody wants to cough constantly which is why people always take cough syrup in order to try to remedy their illness.

Cough syrup can be really helpful in curing cough and it can get you up and running in only a short time. But one problem can occur and that is if you accidentally drop your cough syrup on the carpet and cause a nasty spill there. It will very likely cause an ugly stain which will ruin the appearance and beauty of your carpet which is why you must clean it up quickly and properly.

Here are the steps that you should take to try and clean up the cough syrup stains on your carpet at home.

• Use a clean paper towel to dab the spilled area on your carpet. This is in order to remove as much of the spilled liquid as possible. It is best if you do this as soon as possible so that you can avoid the cough syrup from seeping deeper on the carpet fibers.
• With the carpet already clear of the spilled cough syrup, it is now time for you to focus your attention on the ugly stain that remains. You must prepare a cleaning solution in order to remove it and it is actually a lot easier that it appears. All you have to do is combine a teaspoon of non-bleach laundry detergent and three cups of warm water. Apply some of this cleaning solution onto the stain and then let it set for two minutes.
• Next, use a clean white cloth to blot the affected area of your carpet. It is actually really simple to do but it will really help in clearing up any stain on your carpet at home. Continue blotting the affected area of the carpet until the entire stain is removed.
• Flush out any residue that could remain on your carpet by pouring a cup of clean water on the area you just finished cleaning. Then, use a wet/dry vac to extract the liquid and dry the area. After doing this you can already use your clean and beautiful carpet once more.

Cough syrup stains can be tough but it certainly won’t be any match for the stain removal guide above. Try it out and see just how easy it can be to solve this carpet cleaning problem.